Monday, January 19, 2009


“Christian purity is not a refusal of or disdain for love. On the contrary, it is the cultivation of love-of true love, that is. What the world calls love is usually nothing more than empowered egotism most of the time. No one lives in love without sacrifice, without renunciation. The capacity that people have to give to another is equal to their readiness to deny themselves. Eroticism is the real tomb of love, because it is only an unbridled pursuit of oneself for oneself.”

Raniero Cantalamessa, O.F.M. Cap.
Sober Intoxication of the Spirit, St. Anthony Messenger Press - Servant Books

1 comment:

Jen said...

You must get the Franciscan E-Spirations too!
Love you!
PS: Reading "Mere Christianity"...let me tell you how it's so awesome! And ironically helping me with my relationship with Mary...