Yesterday we had our orientation at the Angelicum where we will be studying. Actually, it turned out to be a start to the first class of Church and Culture of Rome (AKA Art History etc). She is ABSOLUTLY hilarious. Very spunky. We will alternate weeks going on site to listening to her lecture. She's also bringing us to Florence the 10th and Bologna later on in November.
After that we got a mini tour of the area and ended up at noon mass at GESU (The "motherhouse" of the Jesuits). WOW. Amazingly beautiful. There was so much to take in. Also my first mass in Italian. Very interesting. St. Francis Xavier's arm is there as well as (I think) an arm of St. Ignatius of Loyola. The reality of the saints here esp. is amazing!
Afterwards some girls and I meandered about just taking random streets wherever we felt like it. The life around here is so busy...there is just so much to see! We managed to meander all the way to the Tiber river...and realized the Vatican was a hop skip and a jump why not?
Wow it was exciting and also very unreal to fathom being at the Vatican. There were so many people just gathered around St. Peter's is so beautiful to see everyone from all over the world! We just sat in the square and soaked everything in for about a half hour.

Again...I can't really describe it. It's crazy being here. Everywhere you go you walk past a historical monument that just stands about various shops and restaurants.
After all that crazy walking we finally got back and I got an exciting present...MY LUGGAGE! :) Praise the Lord!
Afterwards Laura Marisa and I ventured over to the Borghese Gardens for Laura's track workout...I got my butt kicked but it was great!
Went to dinner...thought I was getting pasta with ham and a little salad. Turned out it was just 8 small pieces of smoked ham...some leafy greens...parmesan....and a huge lemon. That was neat. ;) But we had the house wine (thank you Aunt Jackie for the tips)...and I was zonked out. :)
Today we had orientation with Fr. Charles at the Ang and then got a mini tour and afterwards he said mass for us in the chapel there. It was great to have it in English. :)
Then Leandra Rick Mike and I walked around...I got my first gelato! (raspberry) Oh man...I'm going to have to contain myself!
We got some school supplies and they dropped me off at the art store where I wandered about in heaven for a very very long time....
On the way to the art store Leandra and I were walking along in a Piazza then halfway down the steps we stopped to look at a map and realized.....we were on the Spanish steps!
Rome is crazy like this!
Then I walked back and it was soooo so nice to be able to walk myself home! :)
Back at Bernardi I just relaxed, Leandra and I went grocery shopping, I made some noodles, and sat on our terrace looking at the city and made my first sketch...of St. Peter's dome :) (Yes I can see it from our terrace! :) )
I'm going to go to bed soon. We're getting up at 6 tomorrow morning to walk to the Vatican to attend our first Wednesday audience the the Pope!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D
Ciao bella!
God love you!
Sam :)
Today we had orientation with Fr. Charles at the Ang and then got a mini tour and afterwards he said mass for us in the chapel there. It was great to have it in English. :)
Then Leandra Rick Mike and I walked around...I got my first gelato! (raspberry) Oh man...I'm going to have to contain myself!
We got some school supplies and they dropped me off at the art store where I wandered about in heaven for a very very long time....
On the way to the art store Leandra and I were walking along in a Piazza then halfway down the steps we stopped to look at a map and realized.....we were on the Spanish steps!
Rome is crazy like this!
Then I walked back and it was soooo so nice to be able to walk myself home! :)
Back at Bernardi I just relaxed, Leandra and I went grocery shopping, I made some noodles, and sat on our terrace looking at the city and made my first sketch...of St. Peter's dome :) (Yes I can see it from our terrace! :) )
I'm going to go to bed soon. We're getting up at 6 tomorrow morning to walk to the Vatican to attend our first Wednesday audience the the Pope!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D
Ciao bella!
God love you!
Sam :)
Yay! I am so glad you went to Gesu to see St Francis Xavier and whatnot! Great church, isn't it? And I am jealous you get to do normal things like shopping in Rome and stuff, so cool! LOVE you; it's bringing back so many memories! Say hi to the pope tomorrow, yay!
I was at the audience, and I am betting you were with the St. Thomas group in the front. I was kind of near the back, but was still able to see the Pope pretty clearly on the stage. I am glad that you are here...I have missed being around Catholics who speak English!
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