Yes we saw the Holy Father yesterday! I cannot believe it actually happened. It was quite breathtaking. We got to the Vatican at about 8 am and were almost the first group in. It was quite a mad dash/run/ (even sprint sometimes) to the chairs when they opened the gates. We managed to make it to the front left and Tim and Joe (some of our seminarians) let me up front next to them. They said the Holy Father usually will drive past in the Pope-mobile right in front of us after I got up there. And they were right! He came out on our side and was literally just 2 feet away! We had a group of girls from Opus Dei behind us from Monterrey Mexico! I thought of Fernanda immediatly. :) I tried speaking to a couple to our right in German but the guy I think was kind of embarassed for me and just started speaking English to me. Haha that was embarassing. It was amazing to hear the Pope address all the different countries there. There were so many!
The Pope extends his apostalic blessing on all of our family and friends back home...especially those who are sick and suffering. Know that I am praying for you and so is the Holy Father! Have hope! :)
I really cannot describe how amazing the experience was. It is pretty hard to grasp the fact that I just saw him and he was so close to us! A bishop (I think...or priest...or Archbishop depending) announces the different groups present for each language. Our group was announced and we all jumped up and cheered and we have a lot of loud guys so our yell was nice and loud. :)

So we were there from about 8am until 1pm...grabbed some lunch and headed back to Bernardi. I had some HUGE blisters. :( Had a nice relaxing afternoon on the terrace :) And then we had community dinner. Fr. Carola was gone (our chaplain) so we didn't have our normal discussion night we'll usually have. But it was a very fun night :) We ended up playing a wild game of Trivial Pursuit and got to hear some crazy stories of Matthew's summer job sheering llamas. :) He worked for a guy names Floyd! It was hysterical.
This morning we had our first Italian class with Marta! Wow it is weird... I keep trying to translate into German and I don't even remember German that well! It was fun though. We learned how to order things from the "Bar" (aka coffee shop) adn then we got to try our skills out at the Ang's bar.
Lizzie adn I then tried some pasta with some of the seminarians at a close pasta place. Amazing! Except I'm not getting enough meat because the pasta gets burned off so quick because we walk so far every day!
Then we met Dr. Lev back at the Ang to take a mad bus trip to the Catacombs of Pricilla. One of Dr. Lev's good friends gives tours there. It was amazing. We started out with mass by Fr. Justin and Fr. Dereck--both from the diocese of LaCrosse! Danielle--this is THE Fr. Dereck you know from Steven's Point! How cool! He just got sent here last month by his diocese to study. :)
But yes we had mass in the catacombs among all the martyrs on the feast of our guardian angels! Wow amazing...and claustrophobic!
Then Dr. Lev's friend gave us an amazing tour. He's brilliant...so must history just in all the art on the walls and everything...One of the first depictions of the Blessed Mother is on the walls! :) So much proof of the Church's history and the Truth found in Her. :)
Afterwards we had a crazy trip back on the bus and the metro. I thought we were going to die and was not appreciative of being dominated by many of people crowded around. Gross-ness. But that's okay...because we had martyr's dust on us. :)
Then Marisa Laura and I went for a little run down by the Tiber River :) And then went out to eat at a place where the guy greeted me in German and we had a quick convo. :) aha.
Well it's real late here and I have to get up early for Italian class again and then the Scavi tour! Saturday we are going on a 7 church pilgrimage and Sunday mass at the Vatican.
Love you all and miss you!
God love ya!
Sam :)
Sweet! Hope you have amazing pictures! Aren't the catacombs incredible? YOu are incredible for updating so often! Love that you tried out your German skills...hilarious! Good luck with Italian!!!
Herr would be proud that you went to the good old german!!! Amazing photo where did it come from, amazing seats, good thing you learned how to sprint!!! Amazing experience, glad the Pope is praying for us! love, mom
OH MY GOSH! I CLICKED ON THE LINK AND SAW THE PICTURE OF YOU IN THE FRONT ROW WITH POPE BENEDICT!!! AAAAAAAAAAH! I think you should mention that. I thought it was just a link to the picture already posted. That is AMAZING! Should we order one??? :)
Wow, Miss Sam! You are having quite the adventure and you've not even been there one week. But nothing is a surprise with you.
Thanks for sharing ... keep it up and we'll enjoy living it through you.
I am truly loving this! Glad you got to Gesu as it was closed when I went to visit last time in Rome; and ya saw Ben up close & personal - kudos to those seminarians! now for the gelato.....limencello is ALWAYS outstanding! and its a great refresher in the middle of the afternoon!! if you keep eating a lot of pasta & gelato, it'll balance out w/your running! and about that whole German / Italian thing - wait until you learn to count in Italian and it comes out in German....when I took lessons that was my problem! of course, maybe that says enuf!! and obtw, the Italians aren't really appreciative of loud americans - wait until Xmas w/the fam!!!
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