This semester has been a whirlwind of blessings and trials but most of all perseverance.
I traveled inbetween semesters to London and Germany. The new semester started and the house has never been livlier. I love this community more day after day.

Above are Some of the boys. This is their life. (Hacky sack. ALL the time. hhaa)
We made many trips along the way. Siena again, a women's day trip with Fr. Justin and our women's chaplain a lay consecrated woman, Nina to Lanciano (Eucharistic miracle), stopped to visit a Passionist saint Gabriele, and finally the veil of Veronica. The veil of Veronica was probably my favorite. To truly see the face of Christ. I would love to explain it more. Please ask me. It perfectly matches up to the shroud of Turin and had been in the Vatican for the longest time. Now some great Capuchins are taking care of it in Monopello.
Below is all the girls who pilgrimaged and Nina, our chaplain.

Classes are another blessing (and challenge!). I'm taking 5 again. Biblical Spirituality of the Consecrated life with another girl from my grouop. Unfortunatly we have yet to discuss the consecrated life...haha.
History of the Medieval Church with a great Dominican Fr. Ditton who I had last semester. He really makes it story time and tells the history of Mother Church so well, and especially the medieval era was a particularly difficult time...he makes no excuses and does not go round about at all but just tells it straight. So great!
Eucharist with Fr. Buckles. Just like a mini retreat every class as he just speaks from his heart about his love for the Lord, especially of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and Eucharistic Adoration.
God and the Poets with Fr. Murray. I had him last semester as well. So great. Enough said.
Earlier this week it was his name feast day. St. Aldabert/Woeicych (I totally did NOT write his name right) so we sang Happy Feast day to You to the tune of Happy Birthday. :) I love my school!
Earlier this semester we had Mons. Merini over for our community night dinner. He is the Pope's master of ceremonies...aka he is is right hand man. It was so beautiful to have him here. He celebrated mass for us here in the house and we were able to talk to him afterwards and have dinner with him. He is going to try to get our seminarians to be able to serve for the Holy Father and because of him one of our seminarians was able to read one of the petitions for Good Friday at St. Peter's and my roommate was able to read the last of the first readings, from Ezekial, for the Easter Vigil mass at St. Peter's!!!!! The image below is of our Holy Father during his visit to Africa. Mons. Merini is on the right!

Below is Luke, one of our seminarians, processing (in or out?) during Good Friday service at St. Peter's. He is the one to the left below the pink camera.
Other blessings during Lent was that my cousin Maggie and friend Caitlin came to visit. It was so much fun to have them around. We went to Cinque Terra which has been one of my favorite places this year to be.
My grandparents and my aunt Jackie also came about a week later. They were able to come to one of our community nights which was SO great to have them be able to enter into the community here. Also, because I have met some of the Germans, a German seminarian friend was able to give us a tour of the Vatican gardens. The German seminarians have their seminary within Vatican walls. How cool!
Backtrack a little Lent was beautiful. There is a tradition in Rome dating back to like the 500's to Pope Gregory (I can't remember which one...one of the first ones...) of station churches, which means that every day there is a particular church that everyone goes to mass at. Now it has progressed where at 7am there is an English mass, 8am the German mass, and later in the day an Italian mass. So every morning a group of us would get up...around 5ish...and walk to whatever church it was that day, praying the rosary on the way, and starting out the morning with wonderful conversations and most importantly with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The churches were always soooo packed for the English mass. And OH WHAT A JOY to have mass in English! Afterwards we would go to the Gregorian for breakfast, which is the Jesuit University where our chaplain Fr. Carola teaches. Then afterwards we would go to class. It was such a beautiful time adn community building but most importantly we learned so much through our prayer and perseverance. It's not so easy to get up at 5 every morning and WALK for sometimes a good hour, but we learned to do it only for the love of Jesus. So good so good! Now it is kind of sad because they stop after Easter, and we wake up wondering which mass we are goign to go to becasue our schedule has totally been thrown off because of this. It was so central to our Lenten prayer!
But ALLELUIA He is RISEN! Easter is such a cause for JOY and CELEBRATION. Lent is definetly one of my favorite seasons of the Church, which many people think is weird. But it is such a great time of prayer and reflection and penance, but the ONLY reason it is beautiful is the HOPE that awaits us! What a God we have! What a beautiful joy!
The cross is so central to our lives as Christians, but we must ALWAYS view the cross only in terms also of the resurrection. HE LIVES! Not just in an abstract idea, but Christ truly lives every day and He always has and always WILL. Sometimes I forget how amazing that is, but than I am reminded when praying just the simple prayer of the Glory be how amazing it is.
"Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be, world without end. AMEN!"
The same God of Moses and Abraham, is the same God that humbled Himself to come to the Earth and become one of US and Jesus Christ suffered as we suffer but He most importantly suffered FOR us, died FOR us, but most importantly he ROSE. We are not left in the depths of the tomb...We are given hope for our lives through His resurrection, His PROMISE to us that we can live in union with Him FOREVER!!! Praise God for this marvelous gift!
The Friday before Holy Week I made a pilgrimage with five other girls to Poland. We stayed at the Divine Mercy Shrine which was super exciting for me because it is the Shrine where a convent where St. Faustina stayed at. St. Faustina is my confirmation saint! I was able to venerate a relic of her as well as see the image of Divine Mercy that our Lord revealed to her to spread the message of His Mercy to the WORLD. Through His words, she also received teh Divine Mercy Chaplet, and later on, JPII made the Sunday after Easter Divine Mercy Sunday. There is also so much more to say about that, but know that our Lord is SO Merciful and any sin or any way we turn from the Lord He will ALWAYS ALWAYS take us back and always loves us SO MUCH! :)
We were also able to spend Palm Sunday in Wadowice where the great saint JPII was born and baptized and spent the early years of his life. Another saint whom has a great reason for my love of Christ and who had such an influence on my life and of SO MANY it was one of my favorite places to be. The faith and tradition of the Polish people is so beautiful!
I was back in Rome for Triduum...we got back Holy Thursday morning. I was able to attend Good Friday service at St. Peter's as well as Easter Vigil. Again, such a blessing to be able to be near the Holy Father during this time. He is such a father figure!
We also had a wonderful Easter celebration, and I was up early to pray morning prayer on our terrace to the rising of the sun. Right as we were praying the Canticle of Zachariah and praying the verse "and the dawn on high shall break upon us" the sun just came up from behind the building it was hiding behind. It was so beautiful and peaceful. I just love praying with this people and starting the day off with a sunrise and prayer together was the best way to start Easter Sunday morning, being reminded of Mary Magdalene seeing our Lord at the tomb! Alleluia!
Easter day we had a HUGE feast here at Bernardi with families and guests followed by mass in the house with Fr. Carola. Following was American football in the house and the best was that I was able to Skype with my family back at home! Praise God!
Tuesday evening my friend Katlyn and Sheila and I left for Medugorie. Medugorie is in Bosnia and 28 some years ago 6 children began to receive visions of our Lady, Queen of Peace on the mountains there. Today she still appears to one of the visionaries every day. To the other ones either once a month or once a year. To a war-torn country dominated by communists, our Lady Queen of Peace came to protect and show the hope of her Son.
We stayed at castle, literally. A couple from Canada had a MAJOR conversion experience from reading some of teh messages of our Lady. She was a big shot lawyer, and he was a big deal car dealer...literally owning almost all the dealers in Canada...making something like 30million a YEAR. He opened up the messages of our Lady and the one he read was
That message was enough to bring him back to church, most importantly confession and the Mass, and even on a plane to Medugorie after he sold EVERYTHING. His wife was confused as to why he wanted to move there. His response was "The Mother of God lives in Medugorie. I want to be her next door neighbor."
Wanting to give a gift to the other love of his life (besides his wife) but to our Lady, he built her a castle. This castle receives pilgrims year round free of cost. The hospitality of this couple and the constant outpouring of their lives and their love for the Lord is incredible. We were constantly eating, praying, meeting new people who were always dropping by to see the castle, praying, and eating more.
I stayed there from Tuesday night to Monday night. It was a wonderfully prayerful experience. The conversions and stories from the pilgrims there is amazing. Whatever is happening there, the conversions prove that God is WORKING and people are being drawn incredibly close to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and she is PROTECTING them! Praise be Jesus and Mary! I have never prayed the rosary so much, much less enjoy it and I only pray that I can continue this!
The main messages I can give you from here is pray the rosary, go to confession (at least once a month) go to mass (at least once a week), and pray pray pray! It is possible and it is NOT just for priests and religious. The beautiful thing is that I have never seen so many FAMILIES...parents and CHILDREN coming together for prayer. All of the visionaries are married and have children. God is working! Remember that always! And we are ALL called to love Him ENTIRELY.
Now I'm back in class and back in teh "swing of things" as they say. Last night we just had an awesome cookout with teh whole house, plus a friend of mine from high school and two of her friends, Fr. Shuster from the GB Diocese was visiting, etc. We had burgers and good American food, and ended the night with a lot of guitar playing, some John Mellencamp, and praise and worship. I just sat in the circle looking around at all these people and just thought MAN this is beautiful! If only everyone could see this! HERE is the future of the Church. So simple but yet we can just get together and have good clean fun and love the Lord while doing it!
As St. Therese of Liseux gives us the best example, it is in the little things, the little ways.
"In times of aridity when I am incapable of praying, of practicing virtue, I seek little opportunities, mere trifles, to give pleasure to Jesus; for instance a smile, a pleasant word when inclined to be silent and to show weariness. If I find no opportunities, I at least tell Him again and again that I love Him; that is not difficult and it keeps alive the fire in my heart. Even though this fire of love might seem extinct I would still throw little straws upon the embers and I am certain it would rekindle. "
XVI letter to her sister Celine
St. Therese, pray for us! St. Faustina, pray for us!
Immaculate Heart of Mary, bless and protect us
Thank you for your patience and I will do my darndest to update more!
God love you! xo
SAM thanks for posting. i really enjoyed reading what you've been up to, especially in bosnia. sounds awesome!
Whoo, great update. Thanks! Did Dani come to visit with Fr Schuster? That's awesome. I just saw him at DCYC where he and Drew were MC-ing and Arch gave a talk on Divine Mercy weekend. :) Love you!
Awesome update - its nice to hear a little before you come home. But in all honesty - JUST COME HOME. We are all uber excited!! Love you!
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