Monte Cassino

About 10 days left.
10 days.
Has it really come this far? I've been really trying to hang onto my seat as I see this year fly past me. Stop. Soak it in. Look around this city: crazy, busy, frustrating but somehow beautiful and so alive and always full of suprises.
The last few weeks:
May 2nd the girls of Bernardi took a day trip to Monte Cassino with Fr. Carola and Fr. Justin.
Monte Cassino is the first monastary started by St. Benedict. AKA the beginning of Western monasticism, as Fr. Cozzens says.
It is a beautiful monastary perched on top of a mountain above the town of Cassino, hense it's name (the mount of Cassino!).
It was bombed by the Allies during the war due to suscpicions that Germans had taken it over and were hiding there.
One of the miracles Fr. Carola half joked was that they were able to restore the monastary exactly how it was, a very traditional way, which for the 50's is basically amazing. Haha.
Fr. Carola and Fr. Justin were able to celebrate mass for us there right below the altar and right above the crypt where St. Benedict and his sister St. Scholastica are buried.
The saints are real, and their prayers are powerful! I am just reminded of this day after day living in this country. Start digging into the lives of the saints. They are so inspiring. They can seem intimidating, but after reading some of their autobiographies/biographies it is so inspiring to realize how real they are. They are not to be feared, but they are real people with real struggles that we also deal with, they just were able by God's grace to say yes to Him through it all.
Mother's Day I was able to attend Mass at the church of St. Anne which was very special for me to be there. I like to think of St. Anne (the mother of our Mother Mary) as a Grandmother to us all.
Especially for my family this seems extremely evident. My Grandma's name is Ruthann, my mom's middle name is Leeann, my Godmother's name Lou Ann, and all of us girls have the middle name Ann. It is a very cute and quaint chapel tucked right inside the Vatican. There is a stunning picture of St. Anne and our Lady above the altar and just reflecting with a friend of mine the significance of Anne and her role as the mother of the Mother of God.
The next weekend I think I just hung out here in Roma.
Last weekend I went to Assisi with a group, then Victoria and myself stayed overnight. We finally made it to San Damiano. That is the church where Christ on the crucifix spoke to St. Francis and asked Him to rebuild His house, for it is in ruins. The actually church of San Damiano was in ruins, so St. francis started rebuilding that first, then realized that Christ actually mean the Body of Christ. Francis renounced radically all worldy goods to give himself entirely to spreading the Gospel!
Saturday Victoria and I did our own things. I made it to mass right above St. Francis' tomb, then made the hike up to the hermitage where St. Francis would go to pray and get away from the busy-ness of the city of Assisi. There is abeautiful monastary there now. There were many Italian tourists there though, so I kept hiking up to get away. Eventually I found a small path to Mt. Subasio, so I followed it up and up. I really needed to get back soon to make it to my train, so I just prayed for a view because the trees were so thick I couldn't see anything. Not a minute later the tree-line broke and I was at the top of the mountain, which was clear of trees! I found the highest spot and had the most amazing view of the city, and the whole land around Assisi. It was so breathtaking! God's creation is soooo beautiful.
I had about 20 minutes up there and I REALLY had to get back. It was 11:20 and I said I would meet Victoria at the BOTTOM by the train station at 1pm. It took me about an hour to just get from the top of Assisi to the hermitage, and I was at least a half an hour beyond that. So I basically sprinted down (my shins HATE me!) and almost dominated myself many a time. lol. But I made it last minute!
It was so relaxing and a beautiful way to retreat for a bit and get to know St. Francis better. The next day was Sunday, Fr. Carola's birthday, and a day trip to Norcia. Again it was a very relaxing time. Some of the Little Sisters of the Lamb joined us, including Susan Verly! She is a postulant, and just graduated from St. Thomas last year. It is amazing to see her in the community, she fits so well! The sisters are so much fun. They live a beautiful life of poverty and SO MUCH JOY. :) Sister Maryanna gave me a holy card of Our Lady of Guadalupe and kept saying "You ask her to help you, but watch out...she's dangerous!" lol.
Fr. Carola celebrated mass for us at the Poor Clare's convent, afterwards they prepared us a HUGE lunch, and teh Little Sisters of the Lamb made up a song for him to the tune of "Deep in the Heart of Texas" because that is where he is originally from. :)
Then we just meandered through the valley and relaxed adn soaked up the fresh air :) We ended the day with Vespers (evening prayer) with the Benedictine monks.
This weekend just trying to see people and hang out. The seminarians went back home for graduation so it is really quite and weird.
My good friend Renae came to visit for about a week and it was sooo so good to see her. I also went to the audience on Wednesday and got BURNT. But the Holy Father was wearing his red sun hat so that was fun. :) And we were right up in the front so I got to look directly into his eyes as he went past in the Pope-mobile. What a blessing he is as a father figure for us all!
Sorry I stopped being so reflective. We are going out to dinner in a bit for one of the girls birthdays.
I look forward to seeing you all soon! I fly out on the 3rd. Please pray for all of us for our finals and goodbyes! and flights etc...
10 days.
Has it really come this far? I've been really trying to hang onto my seat as I see this year fly past me. Stop. Soak it in. Look around this city: crazy, busy, frustrating but somehow beautiful and so alive and always full of suprises.
The last few weeks:
May 2nd the girls of Bernardi took a day trip to Monte Cassino with Fr. Carola and Fr. Justin.
Monte Cassino is the first monastary started by St. Benedict. AKA the beginning of Western monasticism, as Fr. Cozzens says.
It is a beautiful monastary perched on top of a mountain above the town of Cassino, hense it's name (the mount of Cassino!).
It was bombed by the Allies during the war due to suscpicions that Germans had taken it over and were hiding there.
One of the miracles Fr. Carola half joked was that they were able to restore the monastary exactly how it was, a very traditional way, which for the 50's is basically amazing. Haha.
Fr. Carola and Fr. Justin were able to celebrate mass for us there right below the altar and right above the crypt where St. Benedict and his sister St. Scholastica are buried.
The saints are real, and their prayers are powerful! I am just reminded of this day after day living in this country. Start digging into the lives of the saints. They are so inspiring. They can seem intimidating, but after reading some of their autobiographies/biographies it is so inspiring to realize how real they are. They are not to be feared, but they are real people with real struggles that we also deal with, they just were able by God's grace to say yes to Him through it all.
Mother's Day I was able to attend Mass at the church of St. Anne which was very special for me to be there. I like to think of St. Anne (the mother of our Mother Mary) as a Grandmother to us all.
Especially for my family this seems extremely evident. My Grandma's name is Ruthann, my mom's middle name is Leeann, my Godmother's name Lou Ann, and all of us girls have the middle name Ann. It is a very cute and quaint chapel tucked right inside the Vatican. There is a stunning picture of St. Anne and our Lady above the altar and just reflecting with a friend of mine the significance of Anne and her role as the mother of the Mother of God.
The next weekend I think I just hung out here in Roma.
Last weekend I went to Assisi with a group, then Victoria and myself stayed overnight. We finally made it to San Damiano. That is the church where Christ on the crucifix spoke to St. Francis and asked Him to rebuild His house, for it is in ruins. The actually church of San Damiano was in ruins, so St. francis started rebuilding that first, then realized that Christ actually mean the Body of Christ. Francis renounced radically all worldy goods to give himself entirely to spreading the Gospel!
Saturday Victoria and I did our own things. I made it to mass right above St. Francis' tomb, then made the hike up to the hermitage where St. Francis would go to pray and get away from the busy-ness of the city of Assisi. There is abeautiful monastary there now. There were many Italian tourists there though, so I kept hiking up to get away. Eventually I found a small path to Mt. Subasio, so I followed it up and up. I really needed to get back soon to make it to my train, so I just prayed for a view because the trees were so thick I couldn't see anything. Not a minute later the tree-line broke and I was at the top of the mountain, which was clear of trees! I found the highest spot and had the most amazing view of the city, and the whole land around Assisi. It was so breathtaking! God's creation is soooo beautiful.
I had about 20 minutes up there and I REALLY had to get back. It was 11:20 and I said I would meet Victoria at the BOTTOM by the train station at 1pm. It took me about an hour to just get from the top of Assisi to the hermitage, and I was at least a half an hour beyond that. So I basically sprinted down (my shins HATE me!) and almost dominated myself many a time. lol. But I made it last minute!
It was so relaxing and a beautiful way to retreat for a bit and get to know St. Francis better. The next day was Sunday, Fr. Carola's birthday, and a day trip to Norcia. Again it was a very relaxing time. Some of the Little Sisters of the Lamb joined us, including Susan Verly! She is a postulant, and just graduated from St. Thomas last year. It is amazing to see her in the community, she fits so well! The sisters are so much fun. They live a beautiful life of poverty and SO MUCH JOY. :) Sister Maryanna gave me a holy card of Our Lady of Guadalupe and kept saying "You ask her to help you, but watch out...she's dangerous!" lol.
Fr. Carola celebrated mass for us at the Poor Clare's convent, afterwards they prepared us a HUGE lunch, and teh Little Sisters of the Lamb made up a song for him to the tune of "Deep in the Heart of Texas" because that is where he is originally from. :)
Then we just meandered through the valley and relaxed adn soaked up the fresh air :) We ended the day with Vespers (evening prayer) with the Benedictine monks.
This weekend just trying to see people and hang out. The seminarians went back home for graduation so it is really quite and weird.
My good friend Renae came to visit for about a week and it was sooo so good to see her. I also went to the audience on Wednesday and got BURNT. But the Holy Father was wearing his red sun hat so that was fun. :) And we were right up in the front so I got to look directly into his eyes as he went past in the Pope-mobile. What a blessing he is as a father figure for us all!
Sorry I stopped being so reflective. We are going out to dinner in a bit for one of the girls birthdays.
I look forward to seeing you all soon! I fly out on the 3rd. Please pray for all of us for our finals and goodbyes! and flights etc...
1 comment:
awesome you got to go to San Damiano...isn't it great? I am jealous you got to hike up to the top by the monastery...we always intended to do that but never got on the right path. :) Sounds like you've had a great month of May. Love you! Glad Renae visited! Have a great week-two weeks!
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